SAMSEA Reunion and Book Launch Onomo Hotel Douala 26 May 2024 Dedicated to the first three batches of SAMS

SAMSEA Reunion and Book Launch Onomo Hotel Douala 26 May 2024 Dedicated to the first three batches of SAMS the 26th of May 2024, a much-anticipated reunion took place at the Onomo Hotel in Douala. The event brought together members of the SAMSEA community, who were eager to reconnect and share in the joy of a long-awaited gathering. The highlight of the day was the book launch of Michael Ndimancho, a prominent member of the SAMSEA community. Onomo provided a warm and welcoming atmosphere, setting the stage for a day of celebration and reminiscing. Each participant had the opportunity to introduce themselves in an elevated pitch manner. The session provided a platform for participants to reconnect and share their experiences. As old friends caught up, stories were exchanged, and memories were relived. The sense of camaraderie and shared history was palpable, creating an atmosphere of joy and nostalgia. Participants also had the chance to network and forge new connections, strengthening the bonds within the SAMSEA community. Notable was the presence of two of our wives and a few kids.