About us

We are SAMS

We, the Ex-Student of Aloysius Minor Seminary (SAMS) Kitiwum Kumbo Dioses, Cameroon, agreed to form an association called SAMS Ex-Student Association (SAMSEA), with a Motto Gratitude-Enthusiasm-Optimism.

The Church is fully aware that the desired renewal of the whole Church depends significantly upon the priestly ministry animated by the spirit of Christ and solemnly affirms the critical importance of priestly training (OT). The Church’s hopes and the souls’ salvation are thus committed to this priestly formation.

The seminary was formally inaugurated under the patronage of St.Aloysius Gonzaga in 1993, the feast of the saint, the universal protector, and patron of youth, especially seminarians. Saint Aloysius’ Minor Seminary, Kitiwum, Diocese of Kumbo, Cameroon, is a Secondary and High School and an institution for formation toward the diocesan priesthood. Since the inception of this Minor Seminary, it has produced over 100 priests, Who now serve not just the Ecclesiastical Province of Bamenda but all of Cameroon and worldwide.

As an offshoot of the Minor Seminary, SAMSEA embraces as members all ex-students, spouses of SAMSEA members, and former and present staff as honorary members.

Our Vision

Bring together all Ex-Students of SAMS Kitiwum wherever they may find themselves and foster spiritual and personal career growth.

Our Mission

Build a more robust, sustainable association that helps its members grow.

Our Value

Moral, academic, apolitical, respect, solidarity, and growth.

Teamwork makes the dream work

WhatsApp Image 2022-11-28 at 4.56.29 AM

Arnold Chiy


Batch of 95


Joseph Jumbam


Batch of 95


Emmanuela Bongwong

Financial Secretary

Batch of 02

Arnold Chiy

A Note from the President

The current year is ending soon, making a place for a new year. Before the old year, identify what a gem of friends you are to be part of, and I appreciate you all for the challenges and laughter we shared last year. A new year is a new beginning for a new dawn in life. Let this New Year bring you better opportunities for a more fruitful and happiness-filled life.

Our connection to each other is an affirmation of our existence. In other words, there is no me without you and no you without me.

When time brings a group of dynamic young people to spend a better part of their existence together, bonds are formed that cannot be broken over a lifetime. These bonds are what create a healthy community like SAMSEA. A Community where age is just a number and an anthem beats evenly across all hearts. A community where burdens are shared and great ideas rule. A community where music puts a smile on everyone’s face and football ignite everyone’s passion. That is our community, the community you are about to visit. Take nothing from it but the love that exudes from it.
Welcome to SAMSEA, and please feel at home.

Experience the finest from the hills of Nso-kitiwum

”You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backward”. Culture and history often share a very close, nearly inextricable connection. Preserving memories not only shows how our culture has changed but also how life as a whole has transformed throughout history. Reminiscing with past generations, it is equally crucial to teach future generations.

In Year Planner 2023

SAMSEA Legality Registration
Find all the tools you’ll need to create advanced websites in one place. Stop waisting time searching for solutions.
Website Delivery
We strive to innovate when it comes to functionality. Our mission is to be the best, come and join the ride.
SAMSEA Solar Project
Add more power to Elementor using our creative elements and make your projects look prettier than ever before.
AGM Wash-up and Statement
Each and every one of our customers receives personalised assistance from our dedicated support team.
Business Initiative SAMSEA
Each and every one of our customers receives personalised assistance from our dedicated support team.
EGM April One day only
Each and every one of our customers receives personalised assistance from our dedicated support team.
SAMSEA Organic Growth
Each and every one of our customers receives personalised assistance from our dedicated support team.
Bank Account Tors.
Each and every one of our customers receives personalised assistance from our dedicated support team.