Fr Watson’s Birthday

Dear All, on January 31st 2023, our beloved fr Peter Watson will be 90. A milestone, as we all know. Please, God he will still be alive. Perhaps as his children and ex students and all whom he taught and touched, especially those living in the uk, it is worth considering and planning a little (surprise or no surprise) visit to see him even for an hour or two; or to put together a souvenir of any kind to send to him in Liverpool. Just a thought. God bless all missionaries who brought us the faith and inspired us in one way or another. Are we as Ex students of Fr Peter Waston able to show our appreciation? We will organize the Uk to represent SAMS and it’s extended community

Just a thought. God bless all missionaries who brought us the faith and inspired us in one way or another. Are we as Ex students of Fr Peter Waston able to show our appreciation?

We will organize the Uk to represent SAMS and it’s extended community in January. A date to be confirmed
